

Random idea: Using nicknames in your emails

For a while, I’ve toyed with the idea of calling subscribers by a nickname… Imagine subscribing as "Michael", and you get an email a...

Drip, Snippets

Drip: Epic Goodbye Snippet

I had great feedback on the last post, so here is an emoji-filled goodbye snippet. 👋😆This snippet says goodbye differently based on a...


Feed WooCommerce product data right into your marketing emails.

The WooCommerce REST API, Drip's Custom Dynamic Content and Liquid, a polygamous marriage made in ecommerce heaven. 🔥🔥🔥...

Drip, How To

Drip can now pull WordPress posts (from any post type) and more into your emails

Drip just got a lot more powerful. In addition to several platform-wide enhancements lately, Drip quietly introduced Custom Dynamic Content...


Tags vs Custom Fields

This is a topic for people who are just getting started with a CRM that uses Tags & Custom Fields....


Global Variables with Drip Content Snippets

How to create massively dynamic content and hundreds of unique emails with minimal code and time....